Hydrogen Peroxide
by Dr. Fred Hui M.D.
You may have used hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic or to bleach your hair or skin. But you will be surprised to know that this simple liquid can also be used for many health problems such as autoimmune diseases, chronic lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases and many viral, fungal and bacterial infections for which traditional medicine may have failed to offer much.
How does it work?
Once in circulation, hydrogen peroxide is broken down into oxygen and water by two circulating enzymes called Catalase and Cytochrome C. You can see this happening from the following equation:
Hydrogen Peroxide — Water + Oxygen
(H2O2 — H2O + O)
Water goes out in the urine and singlet oxygen so released has many good effects in our body.
It can freshen up your body like Ozone does your home:
Sometimes you get your house sprayed with ozone to refresh it. This is because it releases oxygen, which binds carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is excreted into the air from automotive exhausts and furnaces. This is a dangerous gas because it has a strong affinity for our red blood cells, the vehicle that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of our body. Carbon monoxide occupies the ‘seats’ in this ‘vehicle’ and no room is left for oxygen to travel where needed. The seats can only be vacated if you supply extra oxygen.
Hydrogen peroxide, like ozone, supplies extra oxygen by splitting into water and oxygen. Oxygen ‘handcuffs’ carbon monoxide and converts it into carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide need not occupy the ‘seats’ on red blood cells. Instead, it travels free in the blood and is exhaled via the lungs. One feels fresh again.
It can “Fan the furnaces”:
The thyroid and adrenal glands are the furnaces of our body. The thyroid maintains our body temperature, appetite and weight. The adrenals maintain the blood pressure and heart function and add to our vigor and vitality. These furnaces cool down with age and we may have poor sleep and energy, feelings of chronic tiredness, weight gain, cold hands and feet. Unless these furnaces are given oxygen to breathe, their function will go on declining. Hydrogen peroxide boosts them up by ‘fanning in’ oxygen. The feeling of warmth and rising temperature during Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy indicates a ‘jump starting’ of the thyroid gland and the immune system.
It can fight Chronic Tiredness:
Some people feel chronically tired, fatigued, chilly or feverish. This could be due to an underlying low grade infection caused by bacteria, viruses or Candida (yeast). Many of these organisms do not have the ability to survive in presence of oxygen. They need an “anaerobic environment” which means that they can live only WITH OUT OXYGEN. Oxygen released by hydrogen peroxide acts like a ‘smart bomb’ to kill them, since only anaerobic pathogens die and not the healthy cells which like oxygen. Once these culprits are cleared out we may feel ‘at peace’ again.
Traditional doctors sometime prescribe long term antibiotics to get rid of such infections. Hydrogen peroxide also works like an antibiotic but without the many side effects of an antibiotic!
Hydrogen peroxide can also work for acute infections such as the Flu. If you are down with chills, fever and flu like symptoms, try a few sessions of treatment with hydrogen peroxide intravenously. The chills may go away and gradually you may be relieved of all the symptoms.
It may help an Autoimmune Disease:
Autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and Scleroderma can be very crippling, long term problems. Doctors often blame the immune system being “unreasonably overactive” towards its own tissues. However the cause of over activity may be a chronic low grade viral or fungal or bacterial infection in those tissues. When the conscientious “immune policemen” detect these “foreign aliens”, they initiate an attack on these infected tissues. Unfortunately, these organisms are not equipped with enzymes like Catalase and Cytochrome C. So they are unable to handle hydrogen peroxide like normal cells, and they die, which is the goal. Hydrogen peroxide kills them off and this alters the course of disease, favourably.
It may work as a Chelating Agent:
Hydrogen peroxide causes dilation of small arteries. Therefore it improves circulation. Studies are underway in which hydrogen peroxide and chelation with EDTA are being combined to dissolve the plaque inside the vessels (Chelox Therapy). The two therapies, however, should not be given on the same day as they can react with each other.
It may be beneficial for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD):
Chronic lung disease may be helped by hydrogen peroxide in two ways. First, it loosens the phlegm and thus clears the air passages. So breathing is facilitated.
Secondly, the phlegm is a good base for nurturing bacteria, which may lead to infection and worsen the problem. Hydrogen peroxide helps clear the infection. The patient may feel as if the lungs have cleared up and sinuses have opened. However, it cannot reverse the damage, which has already occurred in the lungs.
Hydrogen Peroxide is very useful for other respiratory conditions like Chronic Sinusitis, Bronchiectasis, Flu Syndrome and Halitosis (bad or offensive breath). Intra-nasal route may be applicable in some of them.
It may have a role in Cancer Therapy:
There are case histories showing regression of tumor mass in various types of cancers such as cancer of lung, bone, skin and neuroblastoma. When taken along with chemotherapy, it seems to lessen the side effects of chemotherapy. It also sensitizes the tumor to radiation by increasing the oxygen level of cancer cells. There is a direct relationship between the amount of oxygen in the cancer mass and the effectiveness of radiation therapy.
Hydrogen Peroxide for Shingles:
Various modalities have been used to treat shingles. The lesions are recurrent and painful. The pain may go on for years. Many physicians have experienced that hydrogen peroxide works two to three times faster than any other modality which has previously been tried for resolving herpetic lesions.
Some people take it by mouth. They dilute a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water and drink it three to four times a day. I do not recommend it. Our gut has good bacteria for proper digestion. hydrogen peroxide may kill these Bacteria.
Hydrogen peroxide may also react with food and alter its digestion. On an empty stomach, it may react with the cells in the stomach wall.
Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide:
I use hydrogen peroxide intravenously. It is far more effective. It is diluted in 1/4 liter of dextrose water. Other ingredients are also added to enhance effectiveness and safety. It takes one and a half to two hours to infuse it. For chronic problems, a series of such intravenous therapies are needed. Many people will need from 10-50 treatments, which are taken two to three times a week. For acute infections such as the Flu you may have up to five treatments a week.
You need to find a physician in your area who has the knowledge and experience regarding intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy in relation to your problem.
- Peripheral & Cerebral Vascular Disease
- Angina
- Arrhythmia
- Chronic Pain Syndrome
- Alzheimer’s
- Parkinsonism
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Depression
- Diabetes type 2
- Temporal Arteritis
- Migraine and Cluster Headaches
- Chronic Unresponsive Bacterial and viral Infections
- Systemic Chronic Candidiasis
- Asthma
- Metastasis Carcinoma
- Varicose veins
- Lupus
- Sarcoidosis
- Pesticide toxicity
- Environmental Allergy Reaction